Dear, i noe tt i haf been very selfish all these years. thanks for being so patient n understanding wif me...i promise that from this moment on,i will do my best to be the girlfriend u always wanted me to u lots!
Thursday, 20 September 2007
KL 2007 1:01 am
Baby, thanks for the trip to KL! it has been ages since we had so much fun 2gther...happy 5 years n 10 months!
Tuesday, 11 September 2007
The Man Who is Always There for Me 12:22 am
Baby...thanks for walking thru life's journey with me. juz wanted to let u noe tt u are a HUGE part of my life n i could haf never gotten to where i am 2dae wifout ur constant love n support. hubby, i look forward to the dae when i can share ur success wif u too... jiayou x2 orhz!